Node.js is an event-driven runtime system built with Google's V8 JavaScript Engine. It’s used by scalable apps that need real-time communication between a server and the online users and can considerably accelerate the performance of any site that’s using it. Node.js is designed to handle HTTP web requests and responses and ceaselessly supplies small bits of info. For instance, in case a new user fills a subscription form, once any info is entered in one of the fields, it is delivered to the server even if the other fields are not filled out and the user hasn’t clicked any button, so the information is processed much faster. In contrast, traditional platforms wait for the entire form to be filled and one huge chunk of information is then submitted to the server. Regardless of how little the difference in the information processing speed may be, things change when the site grows bigger and there are numerous people using it simultaneously. Node.js can be used for online booking portals, real-time web browser video games or live chat programs, for example, and a lot of companies, including LinkedIn, eBay and Yahoo, have already implemented it in their services.
Node.js in Hosting
If you host a web app on our leading-edge cloud platform and you want to try Node.js, you’ll be able to add it to your web hosting account regardless of the hosting package that you use. This can be done from the Upgrades section in the Hepsia hosting Control Panel and you’ll be able to take advantage of Node.js in no more than several minutes after you add this service to the account. You can choose how many instances you wish to add to your account – one instance means one app using Node.js. In the new section that will appear in the Control Panel, you can specify the path to the .js file in your web hosting account and choose if that file will be reachable through the shared IP of the physical server or via a dedicated one. Our platform will also designate a port for the connection. You will be able to switch off or to reboot each instance independently, if it is required.